Blog Review: Ask Ang

Sunday, September 23, 2007

+++++ +++++
Blog Title: Ask Ang
Blog url:

The blog looks good. The dark background blends in nicely with the white text. The colour of the post title also looks good. I like those advertisements on the sidebar. While I always had been against using too many advertisements, this blog is one good example of how to use them to your advantage. The pictures and different colours of the advertisements add variety to the posts.

The blog is updated about 4 times in a month. While that frequency is all right with me, I find that there is no posting for the last one month or so. While you have such a long break, it is always good to leave a message to your readers that you will not be available for a certain period.

I am discussing about this repeatedly in most of my reviews. Keep your tags short and straight. Tags are like keywords and long sentences are not useful in classifying the information.

The author has to look into providing more ways to navigate the blog. Consider the use of a list of recent posts, list of related posts, archives by categories, and/ or list of popular posts. Many readers do not have the luxury of time to scroll through each and every post. Remember, by providing more navigational aids, you are holding them longer on your blog.


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