How often should you update your blog?

Friday, September 7, 2007

How often should you update your blog? This is a million-dollar question lingering in every blogger’s head, especially new bloggers. Should I update it every hour, on a daily basis, weekly once, …?

Let’s take the example of daily newspapers. How often do you go to the shop to buy a daily paper? The answer is obvious. Once in a day, probably in the morning. How often do you go to the shop to buy a weekly magazine? Once a week, right? You will expect the next edition of a fortnightly magazine to come in about fifteen days time. You, as a reader, clearly know the frequency of the newspapers or magazines.

The same applies to blogs too. You, as the author of the blog, fix the frequency at which you want to update your blog. Spend some time to work out your schedule. If you think you can update your blog only twice a week, then set this as a target. If you have free time, then write more discussions and save them as draft. Just release them when you don’t have time to write a new post. This will avoid posting too many discussions some time and then there is a longer period when you don’t have any updates.

The idea is to let your readers know clearly what your intentions are. If the readers are aware that the blog will be updated only once in a week, they will come back next week to check for fresh content.

Of course, the content is important to keep the readers coming back. But, regular updates are as much important too. If they are disappointed too often, they will abandon your blog and will not care to visit again. Remember that you need not post frequently, but you must post regularly.


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