Believe it or not: A blogger makes $17000 in a month

Wednesday, September 5, 2007

When I heard the news, I thought it is just a rumour spreading around. Then I myself had a chance to read the post at John The blogger claims to have made as much as $17828.61 in a month from his blog. The bulk of his earnings come from Affiliate sales and ReviewMe.

Still can't believe it? You are not alone. While we, the majority of the bloggers, are fighting hard to make even few dollars in a month, it is really hard to believe the truth. Anyway, there are lessons to be learnt from this blog. Read the post John Chow dot com Income Report - August 2007

The author even says that Google AdSense had not been among the top earners for him and he is going to drop it off soon from his blog.


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