A Blog Achievement To Celebrate

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

100 Posts: A Blog Achievement

Assess My Blog has just reached another milestone. Yes, we have completed 100 posts, including this one. Not a great achievement, but I wanted to celebrate this to commemorate the tougher path encountered so far.

While this is not my first blog, this is certainly my best blog so far. And, this is my first blog to reach 100 posts level. My first 50 posts on this blog took about 5 months. But, the second 50 posts took less than 2 months. Yes, I am able to maintain an average of about one post per day.

What did this blog achieve in addition to just the number of posts itself? There is a bit of achievement to share with you:

  1. Achieved a Google Page Rank of 2

  2. Currently ranked at 224,227 by Technorati

  3. Currently ranked by Alexa at 715,170

  4. Have about 18 subscribers to this blog (Of course, this number varies slightly)
My heartfelt thanks to all the readers who have supported me so far. I need your support to reach the next level!

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